The Ohio State University team that won the graduate case competition was recognized in The Lantern, the school's student newspaper. The full article can be accessed by clicking here and a personal blog from team caption Michael Hrostoski is accessible here.
Among the interesting behind-the-scenes tidbits:
- Hrostoski only slept for 20 minutes on a hardwood floor during the home stretch of the 36-hour case prep;
- Chad Stultz was responsible for the team's mock ads and a 30-second commercial;
- Judges told OSU that having solid financial data was the differentiator;
- Prize money will be used to throw a party for the entire business school, following a donation to OSU
A perusal of blogs and other social media posts unveil more of the back story for the OSU team. Their strategy involved only four hours of work the first night and much of the second day was spent in small groups hammering out the proposal. PowerPoint crashed twice the night before as the team was preparing its slides. When the group found time to venture out to eat, they went to Little Richard's for BBQ and Bojangle's. At least one member of the team will return to North Carolina to participate in the Duke MBA games in April.
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