Lydia Armstrong (right) is a new addition to our blogging team, representing the Wake Forest University MA program. She is in the process of evaluating various club activities, and this is her assessment of the Net Impact Club. She promises to keep us up to date about the organizations that she joins!
The Net Impact Club had their first meeting on Wednesday, with a great turn-out of 30 MA and MBA students.
This club is part of a larger network (http://www.netimpact.org/) that works to create a more socially and environmentally stable world. The Wake Forest chapter gets students involved with local sustainability issues and community service opportunities. Second-year MBA student, Andrew Verga, will lead the club this year as president; his goal is to schedule a volunteer event every month.
The club is very open to new ideas of community service projects to add to the 2010-2011 schedule. Some ideas suggested during the first meeting include: a mentoring program for high school students and a network or speech panel of nonprofit professionals in the area. The first event is a “stream clean-up” as part of Winston-Salem’s “Adopt A Stream,” on the morning of Saturday, Sept. 25.
If you would like to get involved but missed the first meeting, it’s not too late: contact Andrew Verga at andrew.verga@mba.wfu.edu so your name can be added to the email list for further information.
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