Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Witnessing Generosity

I’m sure many of you are curious about my first impressions of life in Winston-Salem and how I am acclimating to my surroundings. Let me try and address what are likely to be the biggest questions about my first moments spent at Wake Forest University.
How is it here?
It’s pretty tidy. People have a warm and welcoming way of greeting you. So much so that my cheeks start to hurt whenever I meet an American and try my level best to be equally warm. If you pass by any lanes, corridors or any public place, people nod at you and recognize your presence.

I am trying to learn this bit of culture, for now, but at times it becomes a bit embarrassing when someone ignores my “how ya doin?”
Where have I been living?
My future roommate and I have been staying in a senior’s place. It was quite gracious of him to offer us an accommodation. I am sure that I would have ended up spending at least $200 by now if he had not volunteered to have us. I usually hang out with my Indian batch mates at another senior’s condo; so, again, the students at Wake Forest have been quite phenomenal in making our transition comfortable.
How about food?
I am a vegetarian and until now I’ve been eating pretty regularly and have not really skipped any kind of meals. Thanks to mum, my seniors, and my Indian mates, I haven’t faced any problems in terms of food.
How about the people?
My survival mantra for now: “Each one for his own self.” Initially, I found people such as my Indian batch mates arguing over quite stupid things, but it is getting better. The seniors are really cool and helpful and I think they’re the ones who’ve ensured some pleasant times for us.
The way forward?
I’m trying to network a bit and get the basic idea of how do things such as study and work here. So, I think I’d take some time to write about it. I’ve also been trying pretty hard to rejuvenate my spiritual side and I hope it stays the same way.
~ Rahul Goyal, full-time MBA program, Class of 2011

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