Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wake Forest Team Wins Howard Case Competition

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Marketing Summit Unveils Bigger Top Prize

During Thursday’s kick-off event, the committee behind the 2011 Marketing Summit announced several “upgrades” for the case competition’s 21st year. The biggest change is an sizable increase in the top prize, which now stands at $75,000!
The Marketing Summit will also provide the winning undergraduate team with a trophy – complimenting the cracked egg award that historically goes to the winning graduate team.
Next year will also feature more networking opportunities for team members. There will be a new networking event on Thursday night before teams embark on their 36-hour sessions. Perhaps more intriguing is scheduled time on Saturday following the awards ceremony, when sponsors can identify individual case participants for one-on-one discussions.
These are just a few of the ways that this year’s committee hopes to raise the stakes next year. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the event.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Walmart CEO at Wake Forest: Video Highlights
Elevator Competition Starts Social Media Campaign

Thursday, October 28, 2010
VF Corp. to Sponsor 2011 Marketing Summit Case
Teams participating in the 21st annual case competition will have the opportunity to become familiar with two of VF's leading brands.
Graduate student teams are expected to develop innovative solutions for The North Face, while the event's undergraduate competitors are scheduled to work on a case involving Nautica.
"The case competition provides value to VF in several ways, including access to new ideas and perspectives and an opportunity to assess and recruit talented students well versed in marketing strategy and tactic," said Paul Mason, a company spokesman.
Mason said VF, based in Greensboro, chose The North Face and Nautica for the competition because both brands "should be familiar to the competition participants and provide compelling case studies."
VF's ties to Wake Forest run deeper than the Marketing Summit. Mike Gannaway, vice president of VF Direct/Customer Teams, has been a judge. VF chairman, president, and CEO Eric Wiseman earned a B.S. and MBA from the university and he serves on the board of visitors for the Schools of Business.
Each year, Wake Forest University attracts talented marketing minds from top MBA and undergraduate programs nationally to participate in the Marketing Summit -- a student-run competition that offers students the opportunity to apply their marketing skills and creativity to real-world marketing challenges. VF follows a tradition of landing high-quality case sponsors that have included IBM and PepsiCo.
Stay tuned. Over a short 36-hour period, teams work around the clock to craft a strategic marketing plan to address a given challenge. At the end of the competition, the sleep-deprived students present their solutions to a panel of industry-leading experts.
The Business of Cemeteries
Halloween, All Saints’ Day and Day of the Dead are celebrated with ancient rituals that help the living remember the dead – at least for a day.
For the rest of the year, we have cemeteries to memorialize lost ones. In these sacred spaces, the richest man in town rests beneath the tallest monument, the graves of little children are distinguished with nursery images and spouses remember their departed husband or wife with favorite Biblical passages or other expressions of love on their tombstones — each of these gestures a legacy to their unique lives.
But according to Wake Forest University legal scholar Tanya Marsh, these traditional and personal burial customs are increasingly being replaced with corporate-style conformity in modern cemeteries, where maximizing efficiency and profits is radically changing the look and feel of American cemeteries.
“The American cemetery is becoming a reflection of the desires of the funeral services industry rather than the wishes of the American public,” Marsh says. “The irony is that the laws that once gave great deference to families regarding burial practices, are now being used to institutionalize a commercial norm at the expense of individual choice, family custom and religious beliefs.”
For much of American history, Marsh says there were few laws governing cemeteries other than those for land use, health and safety. For example, cemeteries cannot be close to a city’s water supply. In the last 100 years, however, Marsh says the cemetery industry persuaded state legislatures to create laws regulating the creation of new cemeteries. Even for non-profit organizations, such as families and churches, the cost to build and maintain a cemetery, no matter the size, is for the most part prohibitively expensive.
“As a result, in urban areas especially, large for-profit cemeteries dominate the competition so that, for example, in Indianapolis, one company controls 56 percent of the burials,” Marsh says.
And because these cemeteries set the rules, families and individuals are given little choice. Rather than variety, the cemeteries control the size and materials used in monuments, even the wording on tombstones in some places, and many make no accommodation for environmentally friendly, or “green” burials.
Marsh says the changes in American cemeteries are starkly noticeable to anybody who has visited old cemeteries and then a new one. In new cemeteries, the deceased are buried below steel and concrete vaults and then the ground is compacted to make for a level, unbroken vista of grass. Marsh says that cuts down on lawn maintenance. The same is true for the size and variety of tombstones. Newer cemeteries require that tombstones be flush to the ground in order to make for easier mowing.
The limited choices and lack of variety in burial decisions is largely going unnoticed by the American public, Marsh says.
“Very few people think about this ahead of time and when the time comes, they’re constrained because they’re having to make a decision on a short timeline,” she says.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Audi and Kamen to Lecture in November
Nov. 17 is shaping up to be a great day for guest speakers at the Wake Forest University Schools of Business.
Robert Audi, a professor and author, will lecture at 3:30 pm on Egoism, Altruism and Objectism as Ethical Standards in Business. He will lecture at Carswell 111 (Annenburg).
Ambition is often considered essential for success in business. Is it anything more than disguised greed? Can the right kind of ambition be a virtue? Is ambition compatible with altruism, or does altruism entail self-sacrifice that deserves the condemnation we seem to find in, for instance, Ayn Rand? Might altruism be an ideal for the religious side of life, but unrealistic in business? How are these traits-ambition, greed, and altruism, related to trust? Does leadership depend on any of them-or on trust?
Audi is the author of 13 books, including the recently published, "Business Ethics and Ethical Business," and more than 200 papers in journals and edited volumes. He is a past president of the American Philosophical Association and has served as general editor of the First Edition (1995) and Second Edition (1999) of The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy.
Audi's talk will end in time for the next speaker.
At 5 pm, Dean Kamen, the founder of DEKA Research and Development, will speak as part of the ongoing Broyhill Executive Lecture Series. His lecture will be at Worrell 1312.
In his talk, “Personal Passion Changes the World,” Dean will discuss his various inventions and work, including a new water purification system. Kamen is an inventor, an entrepreneur, and a tireless advocate for science and technology. He invented the “Segway,” “AutoSyringe,” a new type of mobile dialysis system for medical applications, the first insulin pump, and an all-terrain electric wheelchair known as the iBOT.
For more information, contact Joanne Davidson at davijc@wfu.edu.
Directors Corner: Get to Know Others
Hatch Still On ... Picnic Delayed
President Nathan O. Hatch will still deliver his State of the University address as scheduled today, at 4 p.m., in Wait Chapel.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Wake Forest Professor to Chair Local Board

Marketing Summit Sponsor to be Named Oct. 28
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Ethics and Greed Explored in Panel Discussion

Thursday, October 21, 2010
State of the University - and Picnic!
Why is DeaconLink Important?
DeaconLink is a Web-based resource the Career Management Center provides that connects students with:
- Schools of Business events (descriptions of the events, location, time). These events include information sessions, panels, career fairs and on-campus interviews. Just this month: the Meltwater Group, Wal-Mart, PepsiCo, the Vanguard Group, Morgan Stanley, Syngenta and Red Ventures have come for information sessions. Also, Marc Cosentino visited campus to conduct mock case interviews, and there was a Finance Industry Panel and an Operations Industry Panel.
- Who is coming on campus and sign up for interviews with them. In recent weeks Bank of America, Resurgent Capital Services, Ernst & Young, Duke Energy, and Frito-Lay have come to Worrell Professional Center to interview potential candidates.
- Job opportunities. Many of the job opportunities on DeaconLink have a connection with the CMC; there is a relationship developed between the center and these companies.
To access DeaconLink:
1. Go to the Schools of Business Homepage
2. Click on Intranet in the top right corner of the page
3. Click on Career Management Center
4. Log onto DeaconLink in the bottom left corner of the page
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Pumpkin Carving Next Week!
The SGA will host its first annual pumpkin carving event in the Worrell Courtyard on Wednesday, Oct. 27 from 4-7 pm. We will have food, beer, and other beverages. We will provide the pumpkins. We ask that you bring any carving tools needed as there will be a limited supply. Families are invited and we'll have a pumpkin carving contest for the children as well as the adults with prizes awarded to the winners in each category.
Career Development Day
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Blackstone Exec to Participate in Panel Discussion
It is with great excitement that I announce the second event in the Demon Deacon Invest Connect Series. This program aims to engage the Wake Forest community with some of the financial industry’s most brilliant and dynamic leaders. While visiting Wake Forest, these leaders will discuss a myriad of topics including foreign exchange, private equity, and asset management.
We invite all to join us on Wed., Oct. 20, from 5-7 pm in Greene Hall (Room 145) where Doug Ostrover of the Blackstone Group will be presenting several case studies along with three team members. Ostrover is a senior managing director of The Blackstone Group and a founder of GSO Capital Partners (a Blackstone subsidiary). Before co-founding GSO Capital in 2005, he was a managing director of Credit Suisse First Boston.
Prior to that, Ostrover was global co-head of the leveraged finance group of CSFB. He was responsible for all of CSFB's origination, distribution and trading activities relating to high yield securities, leveraged loans, high yield credit derivatives and distressed securities. Ostrover was a member of CSFB's management council and the fixed income operating committee.
Ostrover received a BA in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the Stern School of Business of New York University. He is on the board of the Michael J. Fox Foundation. Following the presentation, there will be a Q&A session.
It is my hope that you will think of ways these companies and leaders can be involved with your classes, and I encourage you to attend this event so we may take full advantage of their visit. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Jim Dunn
Vice President and Chief Investment Officer
Wake Forest University
Monday, October 18, 2010
Director’s Corner: Why Are You On This Journey?
Now that midterms are over, I hope you took time to enjoy your fall break (albeit only one day) and while doing so, reflect on what you've accomplished thus far. As part of your reflection, think about why you began and continue on this journey called graduate business school. Are you doing it for the extrinsic rewards that come with getting a good grade, or for the lifelong benefits that come from what you learned?
Your classmate, Melanie Miller, shared with me an essay entitled Now Hear This: Grades v. Learning that she wrote for Professor Lovett's management communication course:
"From my years of early childhood education … I have been trained to work hard so I may have something to show for it. Often this tangible proof of my work ethic would manifest itself in the form … [of] grade markings indicating high performance. Consequentially, we have developed such a simple logic where we assume hard work will yield high performance, which will reap rewards. Reliance on this logic could prove devastatingly disappointing when placed in an environment where it is countered…
[S]cholastic environments with the prevailing view that the only way to be successful in school is to obtain high marks force students to habitually sponge information and then regurgitate it onto examinations. The problem behind this behavior is the obsession over grades while completely forgetting that the reason [we] are in school is to learn. Students tend to consider grades to be more important than the material. Moreover, this binge and purge learning style does not build up analytical, critical thinking, or problem solving skills for the student. Thus, the student has a high likelihood of being ill prepared for the professional environment despite [his or her] high grades. … [F]ear of failure conditions students to work for high grades rather than the actual knowledge the grade is supposed to incentivize."
Admittedly, this has been a stressful three months, filled with hard work, late nights, and more readings and problem sets than you though were humanly possible to do. But you did it. And I hope you did it for the right reasons.
~ Derrick Boone
Friday, October 15, 2010
Biz School Alum to Become Wake Forest CFO
Thursday, October 14, 2010
CFA Review Scholarship Created to Honor Wake Student
Becker Professional Education CFA Review is honoring the memory of Wake Forest University Schools of Business student Brent A. Rosenberg (09', MA '10) with a full scholarship for its Level 1 CFA Review. The scholarship will be awarded annually on Dec. 15 to a current Wake Forest student sitting for the June Level I CFA Exam.
“This scholarship honors Brent’s commitment to excellence in pursuing the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and his success as a student in Becker’s Review for the CFA Exams,” said Ally Traetto, regional manager, Becker Professional education. “Brent’s example will surely inspire others to follow in his footsteps.” Brent was a student in Becker’s CFA 1 review class this past spring and passed the exam in June on his first attempt.
After completing his degree in economics from Wake Forest University, Brent entered the Master of Arts in Management program. He was inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma, the highest honor a business student can receive in an undergraduate or master’s program at a school accredited by AACSB International. He recently moved to California to work as a financial analyst for Wilshire Associates when he died as a pedestrian in an automobile accident.
“Brent’s family is very pleased that Ms. Traetto and Professor Jarrell were able to feel Brent’s glowing, endearing personality and its positive effect on those with whom he interacted. We thank Ms. Traetto and her Becker Professional colleagues for creating this scholarship and Professor Jarrell and her colleagues at Wake Forest for fostering this tribute to Brent,” said Frank Rosenberg, Brent’s father.The Brent A. Rosenberg Becker CFA Review Scholarship will be awarded based on student excellence and financial need. Students interested in applying are encouraged to contact Sherry Jarrell at jarrelsl@wfu.edu.
To apply for the scholarship, applicants should provide a written statement of 250 words or less describing why you should be considered for the scholarship. Recommended information includes contributions to Wake Forest University, future career goals, your decision to pursue the CFA Charter, and why purchasing the review would be a financial burden. Applications should be submitted to Ally Traetto at atraetto@becker.com by Dec. 1, 2010.
Hoop Dreams With the Dean
Send the name of your team and team captain to talib.gravesmanns@mba.wfu.edu. Please have you team submitted no later than 5 pm on Oct. 21.
GE Healthcare Exec to Speak at Wake Forest
Dean Cikins, a senior client executive with GE Healthcare, will be speaking in Worrell 3209 on Thursday, Nov. 4, at 4 pm, about "The Key to Effective Change."
A synopsis: Process improvements drive financial and patient care results, but do they have to take so long? A single project can take months. And why is change so stressful? Making change last seems like a constant uphill struggle. There must be a way to finish projects faster and show people how new processes enhance patient service and make work life better. Learn about General Electric’s best practice for making change stick.
This should be of interest to students with operations, change management and/or healthcare interests. Dean has presented the GE Healthcare approach to process improvement and change culture management to a variety of groups, and plans for bring colleagues from GE Healthcare to interact with attendees. They will stay after his lecture to take questions and interact with students. The Deaconlink registration will be helpful but is not required for attendance.
I hope to see you there!
Warm Regards,
Len Preslar
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Business School Professor Joins Federal Advisory Board

Reynolds CEO to Discuss "The Art of Leadership"
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Need a Break: Suggestions for the Weekend
With fall break coming up this weekend, now is a good time to toss out some activities to help you get away from the past two months of seemingly non-stop work. Check these out!
- Go hiking! There are plenty of mountains to the west in need of exploration!
- Steve Hofstetter, a standup comedian based in New York, will be returning to the area for a special show at Open Space Theatre (4609 West Market St., Greensboro) on Sunday, Oct. 17 at 8 pm. The main thread of his standup act is a focus on education ~ so as a thank you, Hofstetter is offering anyone involved in an educational institution a $3 ticket to see his show. Normally the tickets are $20, but if you visit here and use PromoCode EduTHREE, they’re just $3!
- On Oct. 16, local author, Gary Bolick, will be at Barnhills Books - reading from and signing copies of his books, Angel's Oracle and A Snowman in July.
- On Saturday, Foothills Beer School is back. Tickets are $10 per person, which includes a detailed class on the brewing process, a brewery tour, and samples of all the beers we currently offer. To sign up for the “class,” just email sarah@foothillsbrewing.com with your name and the number of people you are bringing.
- Sullivan Farm will host a clinic with renowned horseman Buck Brannaman Oct. 15-18, in Walkertown. Brannaman, inspiration for the main character in The Horse Whisperer, will guide riders in getting unbroken horses going under saddle each morning. He will teach a class of mounted horsemanship every afternoon. His non-aggressive training methods are based on communicating trust and respect to the horse. Admission is $25.
A Conversation With Ann Scales

By Audrey Fannin
Ann Scales’ career has come full circle. She began her career with a Wall Street law firm defending corporations in product liability lawsuits, became known for work on pivotal feminist and civil rights cases, and is now developing a product liability law that will protect victims.
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Photo courtesy of Wake Forest University |
Monday, October 11, 2010
Director’s Corner: Embodying the Spirit of Wake Forest
What could be better? There is a nip in the air, the football season is in full force (though our Deacs are not doing so well), and everybody is knee-deep in coursework and job searches. For returning students, I hope that your summer went well and that you are focused on getting everything you can from your "concentration year."
The CMC office should be abuzz as you meet with your coaches and prepare to find that perfect job! For first-year students, hopefully the "what did I get myself into?" feeling has subsided and you are settling into a regular, though challenging, routine. I checked the fire hose yesterday and it was still turned on, full force!
I have just spent much of the last four weeks having one-on-one meetings with every first-year student. It has been a pleasure getting to know each one of you and to learn about your experience at Wake thus far. I have heard good feedback which will help us improve our program. I have heard about new friendships, successes, disappointments, speeches, favorite classes, challenging classes and teamwork. I am confident that you are all off to a solid start!
Of all the things I’ve heard during these meetings, there is one which makes me very proud. Over and over, the first year MBA students have spoken about the support which they’ve received from second-year students. It has taken various forms. Second-year advisors are providing excellent advice and support to their first-year teams and individuals within those teams. Second years are actively reaching out to first years to participate in clubs, organizations and activities. Second-year leaders are offering great leadership opportunities to first-year students. In short, there appears to be a concerted, intentional effort from second years to reach out to first years in every way possible. I can’t tell you how happy this makes me and how much I appreciate these efforts.
This is the spirit and the culture we promote at Wake Forest and you guys are doing a great job of embodying that spirit!
~ Sherry Moss
Friday, October 8, 2010
Bilas Wants to Reform the NCAA
Don’t expect Jay Bilas to lead a full-court press for reforming college athletics by advocating for more rules. Instead, the former Duke University basketball star and current television basketball analyst said it’s college athletics’ governing body, the NCAA, that needs to be reformed.
The NCAA has far too many rules that don’t make sense and create problems where none existed before, said Bilas, speaking at Wake Forest University as the latest speaker in the University’s “Voices of our Time” speaker series.
“The NCAA has got to change,” he told a large audience in Brendle Recital Hall Thursday night. Otherwise, he said, major athletics conferences and schools could start their own post-season basketball tournament – depriving the NCAA of most of its revenue — and shut down the NCAA.
The NCAA must start over by giving up two of its guiding principles — fairness and the sanctity of amateur athletics, Bilas said in his speech, “College Sports Inside and Out.”
That effort has resulted in a byzantine set of rules that are unnecessary and impossible to enforce. If every rule was followed, most college athletes would be ineligible, he said.
One rule specifies what schools can provide in locker rooms — fruits, nuts and bagels — and what they can’t provide — peanut butter. “If it sounds ridiculous, it’s because it is ridiculous.”
Rules that limit coaches’ contacts with recruits have had the unintended consequence of making the process more difficult for coaches and recruits and opened the door more to agents and others influencing the process.
The effort to regulate fairness in competition is fatally flawed, he said. “It’s impossible to create a level-playing field.”
Bilas also said the NCAA should get out of the business of setting eligibility requirements for student-athletes; instead each school should decide who is right for their institution. The NCAA also should stop setting graduation requirements, he said. “The emphasis on graduation rates is misplaced, it should be on education.”
Bilas, who also graduated from Duke University’s law school and is an attorney in Charlotte, said that it’s time to begin compensating college athletes and forget the quaint notion of amateur athletics. There’s nothing amateur about college athletics, he said, because “everybody gets paid except the athletes.”
He stressed that he wasn’t advocating paying college athletes a salary, but rather allowing them stipends and other benefits, including endorsement deals. “It’s a mental hurdle to get over the purity of college athletics,” he admitted. But allowing extra benefits would remove much of the corruption in athletics, he said.
After his speech, Bilas was joined on the stage by Wake Forest Director of Athletics Ron Wellman; Professor of Law Tim Davis, a leading sports-law scholar; and Ben Sutton (’80, JD ’83), founder of International Sports Properties, for a question-and-answer period.
~ Kerry King
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Historic Donation Announced for Schools of Business
Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,
I am pleased to announce that former Wake Forest parents Mary and Mike Farrell of Summit, N.J., have made a historic $10 million commitment to Wake Forest. Their gift will be used toward construction of a new home for the Schools of Business.
The gift is the largest cash commitment ever by living individuals to the University and the largest commitment ever to the Schools of Business. Construction on the new building will begin in the spring and is scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2013. The building, to be called Farrell Hall, will be located at the intersection of Wake Forest Road and Wingate Road. It will include state-of-the-art technology and a unique “living room” design to foster interaction between faculty, staff and students.
The Farrells have said that they decided to make this gift in appreciation for the outstanding experience that their son, Michael Edward Farrell (¹10), had at Wake Forest. That means that each of you who contribute to the Wake Forest experience in different ways -- as teachers, staff members and fellow students -- helped secure this commitment.
Additional details about the gift and the new building can be found on the Wake Forest website, by clicking here, and an article in the Wall Street Journal.
Nathan O. Hatch
Editorial note: Mike Farrell also played an instrumental role in Wake Forest’s appearance on Wall Street over the summer. To read more, click here.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Wake Forest Showcased at Table Top Trade Show
Wake Forest University Business and Enterprise Management students had the chance to showcase their valuable internship experiences to local business leaders, faculty and fellow students during the 2nd Annual Table Top Trade Show on Sept. 22 in the Benson Center.
The show included 102 different displays created by students who completed internships in a wide variety of fields such as: consulting; fashion and retail; finance and banking; government; manufacturing; marketing, public relations and advertising; non-profit; professional sports; sales; service; and telecommunications. Internship locations were diverse as well, encompassing cities throughout the U.S. and international locations of Dublin, Shanghai, and Cape Town.
"We encourage the students to discover an internship that makes their heart sing," said Dr. Holly Brower, director of internship development for the Business and Enterprise Management program. "We hope the Table Top Trade Show helps the interns develop and showcase the ability to tell their achievements and experiences in a succinct and professional way."
Three students took home awards for their Table Top Trade Show presentations.
Janice Szeto ('11) earned the Showstopper Award along with a $500 check. She was an intern in the branding department at Diesel in New York. "I learned a lot about brand management and how much it takes to put on an event, down to the tiny details," Szeto said. Her display included sticky notes of daily "to-do" reminders, samples of Diesel clothing, and a book showing the planning, timing and distribution of the Diesel's branded New York City activity guide.
Alexander Campbell ('11) and Linleigh Hawk ('11) earned the two Spotlight Awards which come with $300 prizes.
Campbell was an intern at 22squared, an advertising agency in Atlanta. He focused on new business development and brand planning. "After spending the summer with 22squared, I figured out that finding the right corporate culture is not only important but an absolute necessity when deciding on a workplace,” he said. “We accomplished an unbelievable amount of work this summer, but because we all were such great friends, the work never felt like a chore. I can honestly say that not once this summer did I wake up and not look forward to going into the office -- it was truly such a blessing.”
Hawk's internship was also in the advertising field. She served as a business development intern at Blue Ocean Ideas, a brand development agency in the greater Baltimore area. Towards the end of her internship was promoted to a lead social media strategist position. “I experienced firsthand what it is like to be passionate about what you do, and what significant value resides in that opportunity,” Hawk said. “I came to appreciate the ability of a company to incorporate and uphold such strong, unique, and honest values into every aspect of its daily operations and interactions.”
Several students had the chance to experience the internal operations of their favorite professional sports teams. Alex O'Connor ('11) went back to his hometown for the summer to complete a sports marketing internship with the Chicago Bears. "It was behind the scenes of training camp and events that the Bears had in August. I helped set up, take down, do customer service and worked to keep corporate sponsors happy," he said. "It really made me appreciate all of the work that goes into every football game. It gives you a different point of view."
Afton Vechery ('11) was able to combine her passions for science and business during an internship at KeraNetics in Winston-Salem. She focused on the commercialization of research and spent time in the lab, learning how to test ideas. "In order to be a successful biotech business, you have to understand the science that is going on and be able to articulate it in business terminology," she said. "You have to have an idea of what is going into your product so you can make decisions from that point.”
The chance to use his finance skills in the music industry attracted Stephen Chuckray ('11) to an internship position at EMI Christian Music Group in Nashville. He worked in the accounting department, dealing with album sales forecasting, distribution of other labels, invoices, and returns. Chuckray also had the chance to explore other areas of the business. “It’s amazing, I got to see the whole process from the talent scouting to how they are developed, to how they are connected to writers, record their music and get music to stores."
The Business Enterprise Management Internships include a minimum of 200 hours over a minimum of five weeks. Students keep a weekly journal highlighting tasks and challenges encountered along the way as well as reflecting on what they are learning and how it is linked to their coursework. They also write an organizational analysis of the host organization and finish with a portfolio that captures their accomplishments and personal growth during the experience.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
More Speakers Lined Up for ‘Family Name’ Forum
Wake Forest University’s Family Business Center has announced several companies that will join Yuengling executive Wendy Yuengling Baker at the upcoming forum on family owned businesses.
Brad Bennett of Wildfire Ideas will moderate a panel that will include executives from Cheerwine, Neese Country Sausage, TW Garner, Carswell Distributing Co., and The Monaghan Group. Panelists will share the strategies behind their marketing communications.
Baker, a member of the sixth generation of the Yuengling Brewery business, will share with her family's history and what has contributed to the company's success in becoming America’s oldest brewery. Founded in 1829, this family owned company has been in continuous operation for more than 180 years.
Finally, Wake Forest professor Roger Beahm will discuss the pros and cons of using the family name in developing a brand. From the Bush's Best baked beans to the Ford Motor Co. and SC Johnson: A Family Co., branding the family name comes with it's own unique set of challenges. Join us as we learn about the distinct differences in the psychology behind utilizing (or not) one's "family-ness" in advertising and marketing.
The event will be held Tuesday, Nov. 2, at the Graylyn Conference Center at 1900 Reynolda Road in Winston-Salem. A meet and greet breakfast will begin at 8 am with presentations running from 8:30 am to 1 pm. Register by Tuesday, Oct. 19, at http://business.wfu.edu/fbc, "FBC Events." For more information, contact Kristen Solis at kristen.solis@mba.wfu.edu.
Need a Break? Here’s Your Chance
I have been telling all the first-year MBA students that it is important to find breaks amid the chaos that is the October academic calendar. The Wake Forest Guitar Series is a perfect opportunity to do just that! The series kicks off its second season on Sunday, Oct. 10. Pat Dixon, who teaches guitar at the University, focuses on bringing national talent to campus.
Even if a pesky accounting midterm prevents you from going this weekend, keep an eye out because there will be other chances to go and de-stress. Click here if you want to learn more about the series.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Schools of Business Homecoming Calendar
The Schools of Business is thrilled to be hosting several events Oct. 8-9 in conjunction with the University’s Homecoming activities.
Please join us for the following:
“Back to the Class Room” with faculty members Rick Harris and Rob Nash
Friday, Oct. 8, 1:30–3 pm, Worrell 3209
Hosted by the MBA Class of 2010
“Homecoming Reception” - All students, faculty, alumni, staff and families are welcome.
Friday, Oct. 8, 5-6 pm, Kirby Atrium
Hosted by the Schools of Business Board of Visitors
Wake Forest University Homecoming Tailgate
Saturday, Oct. 9, 3:30 pm, Baity Street (behind Deacon Blvd.)
Hosted by Wake Forest University
(Look for the Schools of Business section inside the main tent)
Schools of Business Student Tailgate
Saturday, Oct. 9, 3:30 pm (NW corner of Student/Green Lot)
Hosted by SGA 2010-2011
Biotech Case Team Scouting for Members
The Wake Forest team is looking for individuals who are interested in the biotechnology industry and want to be challenged by some of the top minds in the country. The team will consist of five members and an alternate. The only restriction is that there must be one MBA student on the team. The hope is to construct a team from varying disciplines such as MBA, Law, or PhD, that will leverage their knowledge to create a winning presentation.
Wake Forest’s Team for the Biotechnology Case Competition will take submissions until Oct. 15.
What do I need to submit? Email the following to healthcareclub@mba.wfu.edu.
- Resume
- One-page summary statement – no more than 500 words to the following question: What one issue do you think will have the most impact on the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries in the next five years and why?
What is the Biotechnology Conference and Case Competition?
The 2nd annual Wake Forest MBA Biotechnology Conference and Case Competition will be held Feb. 18-19 on the campus of Wake Forest University. The Wake Forest MBA Biotechnology Conference will bring together some of the brightest and most creative minds. Those involved with the competition will be represented by outstanding MBA and graduate programs in the region, as well as guests and judges from various companies related to the industry.
We are pleased to announce that Targacept is this year's case competition sponsor. Targacept, named one of The Scientist magazine's "Best Places to Work in Industry," is a biopharmaceutical company with a therapeutic focus on central nervous system diseases and disorders. The company has used its research results with neuronal nicotinic receptors (NNRs) to establish strategic alliances with AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline. Competing teams will have the opportunity to offer real world solutions to a current business problem Targacept is facing.
If you have further questions about the event or the team, please email them to healthcareclub@mba.wfu.edu.
We look forward to your submissions!
~ The Healthcare Club