White Collar Crime Committed by Ordinary People
Originally Posted on Friday, March 26, 2010
Reposted from Forbes.com
While high-profile white collar crimes like Bernie Madoff's $65 billion Ponzi scheme grab headlines, thousands of smaller crimes are being committed each day in offices across America. In an effort to raise awareness of the consequences of white collar crime at all levels and the importance of ethical business behavior, Wake Forest University's Schools of Business hosted a panel discussion on March 26 entitled "Finding the Way Back: Impacts of White Collar Crime." According to statistics presented by Neil Weinberg, co-author of a book on the MCI WorldCom accounting scandal, Fraud costs around $994 billion a year with half of American companies experiencing the effects. Two former executives, who were convicted of white collar crimes and served time in prison for their offenses, talked about their experiences and how they came to land in federal prison. A fourth panelist, Tom Golden, a retired partner from PricewaterhouseCoopers, shared his expertise in forensic accounting investigations.
One of the panelists, Diann Cattani, embezzled $500,000 while working for a consulting firm and was sentenced to 18 months in federal prison. In her current position, she reinforces the need to implement internal controls in companies of all sizes to prevent such crimes from taking place. Her advice to students: "As you go out into management positions, it's important to hold people accountable. Don't assume employees are behaving ethically, because even trustworthy people behave differently in extreme situations." She also is the co-author of the book, "Taking the Harder Right."
Also on the panel is Justin Paperny, author of the book, "Lessons from Prison." In his former career as a securities broker for Bear Stearns/UBS, Paperny was involved in a Ponzi scheme and served just over one year in prison after pleading guilty to violating securities laws. "Knowing right from wrong isn't enough to defeat temptation," he said. "From the first day of my job, I never understood my profession. My senior broker taught me how to lie and cheat so that we could line our own pockets. I was afraid to say no to him because I was a people-pleaser. If you're afraid to say no to people, they're going to own you."
"When people see panelists who were convicted of white collar crimes and hear their stories, they are able to identify with them," said the panel moderator Kelly Pope, visiting professor of accountancy at Wake Forest University. "They're not CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. They're friends of your parents, they're your co-workers, they're your neighbors, they're ordinary people who made mistakes."
MBA student Karishma Damani agrees. "There's a difference learning from people who have gone through experiences rather than just talking about them theoretically. I know that when I've started my career, I'll remember sitting in this room hearing first-hand what it's like to have to walk into prison and knowing that when you walk out nothing is ever the same again."
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Fortune Covers White Collar Crime Panel
Catching My Breath … and Catching Up
I would like to start by apologizing to readers of our blog for my absence for so long. While I am here, I want to provide you with several updates from my ongoing MBA journey.
a) Internship: Yes, I have got an internship with a company called the Small Business Technology Development Center as a summer consultant. This company works with small businesses around the U.S., helping them with professional advice in the fields of management. I will start in MAY and am excited to have this internship.
b) Case Competition: Last week, I was part of a team which flew to Boston to participate in a case competition organized by Hult Business School and OLPC (One Laptop per Child). Although we did not win – sad, I admit - it was a great learning experience. We were allotted five hours to solve a real time business case and then present our solution to a high-profile panel of judges. As per the schedule, the winners were later invited to present their solutions in front of all the teams. It was amazing to witness how differently each of the team thought about the business problem.
c) Last Mini: To be honest with all of you, by the time the last mini comes, be it first year or second, you get easy on your study schedules. Yes, the homework is bit less too. But, of course, you really want to go out and work somewhere to test your newly learnt skills. Same is with me. These days, general themes of conversations revolve around: Internships, Jobs and Grades. People talk about their upcoming interviews, career management sessions, interview preparation, etc. So, it is a great value addition to hear the perspective of different students, as they go through their interview processes, and based on their experiences strategizing your own interview preparations.
Hope to write soon.
~ Rahul Goyal
Monday, March 29, 2010
Seizing on Opportunities … “Get on Your Way”
The past week has made me really reflect about the significance of earning my MBA. Although we have classes and awesome professors, getting this degree from the Wake Forest University Schools of Business is really much more than that. Events from last week were a prime example.
Our program director, Bill Davis, hosted a lunch with Lee Scott, a retired chairman and CEO at Wal-Mart Stores Inc. who still chairs the executive committee. As a working student, I had to take a late lunch to attend the event. It was worth it! Getting to meet this high-profile executive, along with getting to know his thoughts around distribution methodology, quality and brand, made it a valuable experience. As an IT person, I may not get much exposure to hear about different aspects of the industry.
Towards the end of the week, all graduate programs were invited to a networking event for the Elevator Competition, held at the corporate headquarters for BB&T Corp., one of the nation’s biggest banks. This was the 11th annual event and had record high applications. These types of events not only allow you to network with others in the industry, but also within your own graduate school.
Looking back at the last week made me think of Dr. Seuss and his quote: “Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So … get on your way.” Seizing the opportunities like last week makes the MBA journey interesting and broadens your horizon. These experiences serve as a lasting supplement to my coursework, providing a series of special moments that will last in my memory long after I receive my degree!
~ Bobbie Shrivastav
Gratitude for Student Leaders
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our student leaders who have served our school this year. These leaders made our community a better place by guiding student clubs and other groups, organizing social and academic events, directing trips, administering town hall meetings, organizing community service and service learning initiatives, implementing our honor code and student governance, working with faculty and staff to improve our learning environment, and pursuing countless other projects. All of these activities were planned and executed by devoted students who volunteered their time, energy, and talents to serve our school. All of us -- students, faculty and staff -- benefited from their selfless dedication, and we are truly grateful for their efforts and the countless hours invested to improve our community.
For those of you are graduating this spring, I encourage you to follow the example set by our student leaders and pursue volunteer and civic leadership opportunities in the future. By doing so, you will not only enrich your communities, but you will also enhance your leadership skills and social networks. For those of you who will return to Wake Forest next year, I encourage you to consider pursuing student leadership roles. I hope that you will find (or create) a role that fits your passions and go for it. By pursuing such a role, you will have opportunities to grow professionally while making our school a better place for you, for your colleagues and for our community. As Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give.” I hope that you will take the time to volunteer next year, either as a student or a graduate of Wake Forest University.
~ Charles Iacovou
Elevator Competition Winners
Traditional Business Plan Competition
Social Entrepreneurship Competition
Fan Favorite
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wal-Mart’s Scott Outlines How to Survive the “New Normal”
Lee Scott provided a sobering look at the “new normal” facing the global economy during an appearance at Wake Forest University Wednesday, while also giving attendees at a capacity event advice on how to remain viable under difficult conditions.
Scott, a former Wal-Mart Stores Inc. CEO who still chairs the executive committee, acknowledged that we have likely survived the “worst of this recession” but he warned a normal recovery should not be expected. Evidence is everywhere that a rebound will take years, ranging from individual frugality to homes in Las Vegas valued well below their loan values. “And we’re a long way from virtual full employment,” he added.
Wal-Mart, the nation’s biggest retailer, also has seen surefire signals that consumers remain under stress, he said. For instance, customers who may buy large jars of spaghetti at the beginning of the month buy the smallest available size in the days before paychecks clear. Tire purchases have been put off. Craft items were hot at Christmas. Replacement parts such as lawnmower blades and sparkplugs compete with new product sales.
“People are buying only what they need when they need it,” Scott said. (His comments were hauntingly similar to those of PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi when she appeared at Wake Forest in February 2009, when she said consumers are more apt to clear out their pantries before restocking their shelves.)
Eventually, the global economy will regain momentum, but we will not revert to the old ways of doing business. “This economy is not going to get easy but there will be growth and engines of growth,” he assures. “Technology innovations will be the new growth engine for the economy.” He added, “The complexity of the world will continue to have impact on people's sensitivities.”
Against that backdrop, he shared a handful of lessons learned during a career at Yellow Freight and Wal-Mart. They included:
· Ego is the greatest enemy of leadership and one of the most difficult things to overcome.
· When people know what you want they will often give it to you.
· The ability to give honest and constructive feedback is a rare talent.
· Even if you fee strongly about something, there is a possibility you could be wrong. "The harshest critics may be the most helpful voices you hear,” Scott said. “We became a better company when we let our critics in and quit trying to evaluate their motivation. Many of them really wanted us to do well."
· Hiring people better than yourself is the most-effective way to improve your career. “When the board praised me for an idea I gave the credit to the people who spearheaded the effort. It is hard to always do that."
· Integrity is the single most important characteristic of a leader.
The executive also touted the importance of personal image, particularly in an organization such as Wal-Mart that values a professional look. He recalled his early days at the company, when he wore his hair long, enjoyed sweaters and red shoes. It took the intervention of a concerned manager and the purchase of three blue suits to improve his position. While individuality is noble, employees must take into account the culture – not to mention the dress code – of their employer.
Scott succinctly summed up the importance of having personal values and a good image in the face of global competition, telling attendees, “When you do get a job you better do it well because there are a lot of bright people willing to do what it takes to make a company successful.
During the question and answer session, Scott talked about past decisions and current challenges, including:
Private label: “It is a myth that private label is much better than retail.” While the margin could be double that of a branded product, he said the “penny profit” is higher for branded goods. Private label is needed, though, because it keeps the main consumer products companies “in check.”
Risk taking: It is necessary for companies to take some level of risk, “but you must understand the exposure if things don’t work.” He said Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton had a huge appetite for risk, quoting his mentor as saying, “It never hurts to stir the pot.” Without risk, they may have been no supercenters or Sam’s Club wholesale outlets.
Supplier relationships: “I like suppliers, which makes me unique in retail,” he said. Still, there must be some level of “friction” with suppliers, who tend to build in costs without thinking of the customer. “It doesn’t need to be hostile,” he added. “Transparency is one of the greatest attributes you can have.”
Earth Hour Observances Tomorrow
To the Wake Forest community,
On Saturday, March 27, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., Wake Forest will participate in Earth Hour 2010. Begun in 2007, the worldwide observance is designed to raise awareness about global climate change.
Last year’s event was the largest mass action movement regarding climate change, with 90 countries and dozens of landmarks around the world voluntarily extinguishing lights for one hour. This year more than 120 countries are slated to take part, with an estimated one billion people participating from around the globe.
While the event is symbolic, it also serves as a reminder to us all about sustainability and the efforts each of us can take to promote healthy and responsible use of earth’s resources. At Wake Forest, I have authorized the extinguishing of the spotlights on Wait Chapel for the hour of the observance on Saturday evening. I urge all students, faculty and staff to use this opportunity to turn off all non-essential lighting in offices and residence halls as well.
The Student Environmental Action Coalition, along with Residence Life and Housing, has planned an event on Hearn Plaza (the Quad) for the hour of the observance, on Saturday evening, to include music, food, an acoustic band and other activities. Please consult the University calendar for more details. All are welcome to attend.
Thank you for all your efforts to conserve, recycle and sustain our campus environment.
Nathan O. Hatch, President
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Dedicated to a “Premier Educational Experience”
To the Wake Forest Schools of Business Community:
The Princeton Review's 2nd annual "Student Opinion Honors for Business Schools," which names the top 15 graduate schools in six categories: Accounting, Finance, General Management, Global Management, Marketing, and Operations, has named the Wake Forest School of Business one of the 15 most highly rated graduate business schools in the Accounting category. Wake Forest received the highest evaluations from its students based on how well the students felt their classroom and campus experiences had prepared them for their careers.
For Wake Forest University, this accounting ranking means that MBA students believe their education has made them experts "in the gathering, interpretation and application of financial data," which will enable them to understand and speak authoritatively on the effects of business decisions on a company's bottom line.
The lists, created and compiled by the education services company The Princeton Review in partnership with Entrepreneur magazine, a leading publication for and about entrepreneurs, will be reported in the April 2010 issue of Entrepreneur. The lists are based on a national survey of 19,000 current business school students attending the 301 business schools profiled in the book Best 301 Business Schools: 2010 Edition (Random House/Princeton Review). The business schools appear in alphabetical order on the lists, and are not ranked 1 to 15. In addition to the magazine, the lists are at www.entrepreneur.com/topcolleges and www.PrincetonReview.com/studentopinionhonors.aspx.
Since 2006, Entrepreneur and The Princeton Review have also partnered in reporting annual ranking lists of the "Top Entrepreneurial Colleges and Business Schools" that identify 25 undergraduate and 25 graduate schools for their outstanding entrepreneurship programs. Wake Forest University was also included in this ranking as one of the top 25 in the nation for entrepreneurship. The complete lists, reported in Entrepreneur's October 2009 issue is available at www.entrepreneur.com/topcolleges.
The reputation for excellence in education across both our graduate and undergraduate programs continues to climb. I thank the faculty and staff for their efforts to produce world-class learning experiences, and I thank our students for their endorsement. We are committed to delivering a premier educational experience at Wake Forest - one which will lead to successful job searches, rewarding careers, and ultimately, leadership in the business community by our graduates. Congratulations on this latest ranking achievement!
Steve Reinemund
Dean of Business
Wake Forest University
Schools of Business
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Expectations High for Wal-Mart Exec Visit
Lee Scott, who chairs the executive committee for the board of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., will be visiting Wake Forest University tomorrow. The theme of his visit will be sustainability, as he will share his thoughts with a class around environmental sustainability and his 4 pm speech is around the “New Normal.”
Scott served as president and CEO of Wal-Mart from January 2000 to February 2009. During his time, Wal-Mart emerged as the world’s largest retailer with more than 2 million associates, serving customers and members more than 200 million times per week. When he joined the company in September 1979, Wal-Mart had less than 300 stores in 11 states, compared to more than 8,000 locations across the U.S. and 14 other countries today.
Under his leadership, Wal-Mart assembled a strong team of senior leaders who transformed the business to thrive in a more complex global environment while keeping the company’s mission of “saving people money so they can live better” relevant to a changing world. The company is currently recognized as a vital part of the solution to the most pressing economic and social challenges. In the area of social and environmental responsibility, Wal-Mart has emerged as a leader in sustainable practices, leveraging its global reach in three key areas: renewable energy, zero waste and sustainable products. The company has also set aggressive goals to work with suppliers in building a more responsible global supply chain.
Tomorrow, a select group of students will have lunch with Scott. All of us are excited and honored. We also have certain expectations coming into this event. Aram Stephens (right), an evening 2011 MBA student, is “expecting the unexpected.” He grew up hour and a half from Wal-Mart’s corporate headquarters in Bentonville, Ark., and he expects they will be able to share a common knowledge of the geographic region. One comment made during the Marketing Summit Diversity Panel tackled the challenges that Wal-Mart faces in recruiting talent to northwest Arkansas. Aram plans to encourage Scott to share some wisdom on how each of us should conduct company research for future employers and to seek out the seemingly unknown. With a recent journey overseas, I would like to understand his position on globalizing markets and the challenges they have faced.
~ Bobbie Shrivastav
Monday, March 22, 2010
Celebrate Your Success!

Not to stress you out or anything, but we are coming to the end of the school year and it will be here before you know it! As you begin to focus on your mini 4 classes, I know you are also heavily engaged in internship and job searches. For many of the students I’ve talked to, I am amazed at the incredible networking job you are doing! Every time I ask if they’ve talked to Person X or Person Y, they say “yes”! As our CMC staff tells you, it’s a numbers game and the more networking, informational interviewing and reaching out you do, the closer you’ll get to that offer.
When I roam the halls and speak to first- and second-year students, I’m getting some good news about internships and job offers. I am so excited each time I hear that someone’s efforts are paying off and that they’re finding success in their searches. I am also under the impression that some of you are not sharing your successes (offers and acceptances) with your classmates or with the rest of us. You feel guilty talking about your offer because you don’t want others to feel badly that they haven’t received one yet.
I encourage you to share your successes (offers taken or not) so that others are motivated to fully engage (or continue to engage) in the networking process. Sharing your news allows others to see how your efforts are paying off. Others may be encouraged, rather than discouraged, by their peers finding jobs and internships. Your positive results demonstrate that hard work and daily dedication to the job search eventually pays off.
I ask that you please share your successes with each other, with the CMC office, and with your professors and administrators and allow us all to share in your success. You will actually be encouraging others to broaden their networking efforts, do one more informational interview or reach out to one more alumnus than they did last week. And this will spell success for all of us!
~Sherry Moss
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Roll that Beautiful Bean Footage…
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wal-Mart Chairman to Discuss the “New Normal”
Associate Dean Bill Davis is hosting a lunch with Lee Scott, the executive committee chairman of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., on March 24 for nine lucky students from the evening program. I'm very excited to be one of those winners who will have a seat at the table. In addition, our special guest will be speaking at 4 pm on how businesses need to adapt to the future. This is a great opportunity for all students to attend and get reflections from someone who has lead an organization through tough economic times.
~ Bobbie Shrivastav
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Elevator Competition Goes “Green” for Volunteers
The 11th Annual Elevator Competition should have no shortage of volunteers this year, judging from attendance at a St. Patrick’s Day party designed to recruit participants. More than three dozen full-time and evening MBA students enjoyed green beer, snacked on hot wings and registered for jobs ranging from signing in aspiring entrepreneurs to serving as “bellhops” for the competition itself!
The Entrepreneurship Club sponsored Wednesday night’s pre-event, where volunteers also received an official Elevator Competition pint glass (see below). It also gave students a chance to take advantage of great weather and socialize at the Worrell Professional Center Courtyard.
Hosted by Wake Forest University, the Elevator Competition attracts pioneering entrepreneurs from around the world, creating one of the premier business plan competitions – and a truly unique experience. All student volunteers will have the opportunity to network with executives and venture capitalists, meet business school students from around the world, and attend the Saturday night awards dinner on March 27.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Nicaragua: A Student’s Photo Album
Firsthand Experiences is pleased to republish a series of pictures from the Wake Forest Schools of Business trip to Nicaragua, where MBAs continued efforts delivering seminars, going on business consulting visits and checking up on an existing lending program. This year there were a few new programs, with more detailed information here.
The following pictures and commentary are from Sandie Taylor, a first-year MBA candidate. We are greatly appreciative for the contribution.
Day 1 Business Visits: Sonia, the seamstress, modeling the new product she plans to sell at the market.
Kathleen and Tramell hand over their consulting deliverable to the owner, Jose.
Nonprofit Visit: Teens in Nica Hope's after-school program taught us how to make jewelry. The jewelry program introduces kids at La Chureca to a skill and a path to a future outside “the dump.” The nonprofit sells the jewlery to Americans to create income for the nonprofit's programming and the children.
Curt and Tramell teaching record keeping.
Line-up Announced for White Collar Crimes Panel
The Wake Forest University Schools of Business is hosting a panel on white collar crime on March 26 at the Benson Center.
Fraudulent scandals in previously well respected companies such as Enron, WorldCom, AIG, Bernard Madoff Investment Securities LLC and Satyam Computer Services have shaken the nation’s faith in the business community. It is reported that the U.S. government loses $300-$660 billion each year to white collar crime schemes, investigations, and prosecution. Companies, investors, taxpayers and society as a whole feel the consequences of these violations.
On Monday, the university unveiled its list of high-caliber panelists, including two former business executives who committed white collar crimes, and leading experts in forensic accounting and the financial sector. The panel will feature:
- Neil Weinberg, senior editor, Forbes, and co-author of “Stolen without a Gun: Confessions from inside history’s biggest accounting fraud - the collapse of MCI WorldCom”
- Tom Golden, retired forensic accounting partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers; author of “A Guide
to Forensic Accounting Investigation” - Diann Cattani, prevention/detection consultant, director of business development, Audigence Inc.; contributing author of Taking the Harder Right
- Justin Paperny, former securities broker, Bear Stearns/UBS; author of “Lessons from Prison”
For more info click here.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Ready to Reengage? A Message for MAs
Welcome back from Spring break!! I hope that you all had a safe and restful break and are ready to meet the challenges of the second half of this semester. Many are returning from internships and I hope you all had a great experience and ready to reengage in classes.
As we approach the last month of classes Jan Pagoria will be setting up graduation exit interviews for those graduating in May. Please sign up for one of the time slots. Jan, Patty Lanier and I all take these very seriously. You will meet with us in small groups where we will ask you to give us feedback on your MSA experience. We keep all conversations confidential but do share the general feedback with the accounting faculty in an end of the year retreat. We DO incorporate changes that come out of these sessions. Remember, the value of your degree is not only the value now but the value in the future. Help us increase the value for you!!
You will soon be hearing from the graduate accounting club about a golf event in April. Last year we had novice golfers involved in this event and they had a great time! Please do not forgo this event just because you are not a golfer. All levels of experience are encouraged to participate. This is a great way to get out and enjoy the sunshine with your peers, faculty and Accounting Advisory Council members to relax a little before the end of the semester crunch hits.
Given that many of you were off campus the first half of this semester I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of upcoming MSA events as follows:
March 26 – Two White Collar Crimes panels in Benson 401C. The first will run from 8:30–11:30 and the second will be from 1:15–4:15. Additional information on the sessions may be found at here.
April 15 – Our annual Hylton Lecture will take place from 4:45–6:30 pm in Annenburg Auditorium. We are thrilled to have Tim Flynn, chairman of KPMG International, as our 2009/2010 Hylton Lecturer. We will also be setting up some small group meetings with Tim earlier in the day so please let Jan know if you would like to participate in these.
~Yvonne Hinson
Friday, March 5, 2010
Flying Through Spring

It looks like we have survived one of the harshest onslaughts of winter weather in recent memory in North Carolina. That’s not to meant to sound like a complaint. Certainly areas like DC and further north were hit much harder, but we got more than our fair share of snow.
That being said, the multitude of snow days gave me added motivation to stay inside, remain warm, and study hard for management accounting. With that class behind me and spring fast approaching, it will be difficult to stay focused for the three class I must confront between now and May. The upcoming calendar of events at the Wake Forest University Schools of Business will not help me in my task of concentration on coursework, but it will certainly prove immeasurably helpful to me academic and professional pursuits.
In just two weeks, the Healthcare Club will kick off its first healthcare conference, with Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) poised to take the stage to talk about the reform legislation being hotly debated on Capitol Hill. This should prove to be an interesting session given the medical and legal scholarship going on at the university.
Former Walmart CEO Lee Scott is set to spend the day on campus the following week, meeting students and giving a presentation to the MA class on March 24. Details of his itinerary are starting to surface, and I am making every effort to get a few minutes with him to talk about sustainability, retailing, and the global economy. This is a must-show event for me!
Two more events certainly threaten to distract me. The Elevator Competition on March 26-27 will be closely followed by the Firsthand Experiences blogging team. We will keep everyone up to speed on the event as we did with last month’s Marketing Summit. This time however I am hoping to ramp things up just a bit, giving an even more in-depth look into a very unique event!
In April, I plan to assemble the ultimate Dream Team of trivia minds to dominate this year’s CampusConnect Quiz Bowl. I haven’t participated in an event like this since high school, so it should make for a good time. Campus Connect also offers a talent competition and an Amazing Race event. Faculty is also urged to compete, so there is added incentive to attend!
That being said, I am going to go study some more. I figure it best to hit the books now while it is still freezing outside. I am sure I will see many of you during this full slate of events.
~Paul Davis
Healthcare Event Will Spotlight Reform Debate
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Shoes for Nicaragua
This spring break, the student organization, Project Nicaragua, will send 17 students and three faculty members from the Wake Forest Schools of Business to lead business seminars and deliver consulting projects to local entrepreneurs. Each time we travel to Managua, we volunteer with a local nonprofit called Nica Hope, which provides education and job training to youth living in the trash dump community of La Chureca.
Nica Hope is in need of shoe donations in both children and adult sizes. Athletic shoes, sneakers, and dress shoes that are new or lightly worn are needed. If you have an extra pair to spare, please put them in the donation box located in the student lounge by Friday, March 5. Cash donations are also welcome. Please take your donations to Peggy Beckman in the third floor faculty office suite.
About Nica Hope
Nica Hope provides the children of La Chureca the opportunity to achieve a future apart from the trash by helping them get a quality education and expand their minds and skills. The children work in the trash for less than $2 a day, and most do not make it past the 6th grade.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Capturing the Spirit of Pro Humanitate
The following is another interesting post courtesy of first-year MBA student Sandie Taylor, who has her own blog Working for the Woman. Another look at Sandie and her interests can be found here.
Last week, I ventured out of the Schools of Business halls, joining a second-year friend to check out a meet-and-greet for the The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem. The event happened to be just a few blocks away from my house, but getting to interact with new, interesting people from the greater community made it feel like a retreat! We met women who went by Tari, Velvet, and Scott, and their personalities lived up to their unique names. Everyone was so inviting and willing to share a lot about the fund’s mission, and it was great to see how many people in Winston-Salem are passionate about it.
It’s a really neat concept that has been used in many cities to fund nonprofits that serve women and girls. Here’s the deal. The organization looks for people to donate $1,200 to the fund to be used as grant money. Once a year, each donor gets one vote to go toward selecting their favorite grant applications. The nonprofits that receive the most votes from the donors receive the grants. In 2009, The Women’s Fund awarded 11 grants totaling $162,511.
My friend and I are both interested in women’s initiatives, so we wanted to attend the event to scope out how the organization operates and if there are ways students at Wake Forest can get involved. Turns out, the organization is extremely inclusive, and there’s a variety of ways to participate. You don’t have to drop $1,200 to be a donor. You can get together with 12 other people to donate $100 each and share your vote. Or, if you’re limited financially, you can apply to be a participant scholar, which gives you the opportunity to evaluate the applicants and vote with someone else’s donated money.
We found out that a group of 12 law students and law faculty at Wake Forest have donated and voted together. I’d definitely like to see something similar happen at the Schools of Business and perhaps connect some of the students to consulting projects with the fund. With Wake Forest’s motto being Pro Humanitate, this opportunity seems like a great fit!
Monday, March 1, 2010
A Note to Those in the MA Program

It is hard to believe that it is already March. Perhaps just as hard to believe, we have reached the final week of classes of Module 3. After Spring Break, you return for final exams and then begin your fourth and final module.
I know many of you would have preferred to have your exams over before the Spring Break. However, I encourage you to look at the positives of the schedule. Classes have been in session for less than two months since Winter Break and Spring Break consists of nine days plus an additional reading day. While I definitely encourage you to take some time off to recharge your batteries (or in Steve Covey’s terms, sharpen the saw), I also encourage you to use some of the break to prepare for your exams and continue your job searches.
I thought I would also take this opportunity to introduce you to your Module 4 professors. As it turns out all of your professors have similar educational backgrounds to yours. Michael Lord will be teaching your International Competitive Policy course and has a BA from Harvard in Government and International Relations. Dan Fogel will be teaching your International Business course and has a BS in International Economics, an MA in Linguistics, and a PhD in Behavioral Studies.
Adam Hyde (left) will teach your Macroeconomics course. He just joined our faculty and is finishing up his PhD in economics from the University of Virginia. I have no doubt you will find that each of these instructors will deliver an outstanding educational experience.
In terms of upcoming events, on Thursday, March 4, we will have a town hall meeting from 4:15 to 5:15. Topics to be discussed include MA Program Scheduling, feedback on MA classes, CMC and the mentor program, and other issues/concerns you may have. Also, on March 24 we have arranged for former Walmart CEO Lee Scott to meet with you.
As always, I welcome your feedback and suggestions. If your team has not already done so, please schedule a time for me to take your team to breakfast, lunch or dinner.